I whipped together a test building to practice the techniques I'd need to create Warmachine terrain.
I literally freehanded and cut out the main structure and roof out of foamcore in 2 minutes using a CD case as a straight edge. It's reinforced on the inside with craft sticks (small tongue depressers). I was at a quandary with the shingles until I went over to Terrain Thralls and saw their technique using business cards.
I wasn't sure how the foamcore would react with spray primer so I used regular wall spackle to create the stucco texture. Shinlges were a Thrakka Green wash followed by a Devlan Mud wash and a black dry brush. The walls are an Qgryn Flesh wash, Devlan Mud wash, and black and white dry brushes.
I think I did a decent job. After all, it's just a test. That said, for the real buildings I'm creating, the shingles will be about 1/3 of the size, and the stucco texture also needs to shrink to scale.
So you want to be a commission painter
6 years ago