Well, the summer is coming to an end. My 4 weeks (well, weekends, anyway) at the summer house are at an end. But I had a great time, and I managed to procure:
From one of my local dealers. Those orange stickers read "50% OFF". Some even read "75% OFF". How could I resist? Actually, this isn't all of them, since I made a trip after these were photographed. Granted some of them are just wreck markers, and they all had v1 cards, but it's hard to argue their value. Now, whether or not I can create some cohesive forces is another story.
But I truly feel like I am just about finished buying anything for Warmachine. When these are painted, I will have two armies with more than enough points to use in any tournament I've ever heard of to date, and the whole point of starting WM in the first place was an alternative to 40k and its ridiculously huge armies. Not that I'm dissing 40k...I just don't want to get caught up in having everything in yet another system.
So this recent shopping trip netted:
Cryx Nightmare
Cryx Bloat Thrall
Cryx Helldiver
Cryx Necro Surgeon and Stitch Thrall
Protectorate Holy Zealots, 2 packages (4)
Protectorate Heavy Wreck Marker
Protectorate Light Wreck Marker (2)
Protectorate Exemplar Seneschal
Protectorate The Covenant of Menoth
Time to break out the Bone and Black Spray Primers!
So you want to be a commission painter
6 years ago